Airport Information

Getting you to your flight.

Get information on our Newark Airport service here.

Pick Up and Drop Off Information

Trans-Bridge Lines picks up and drops off passengers on the Lower Level of Newark Airport as follows:

Terminal A – On the Lower Level HOV Roadway, Bus Zone 17, according to time on the schedule; bus arrives at Terminal B – on the Lower Level HOV Roadway two (2) minutes after Terminal A; bus arrives at Terminal C – on the Lower Level HOV Roadway four (4) minutes after Terminal A.

For drop-offs, please inform the motorcoach driver which terminal – A, B, or C – you require. Drivers will not stop at terminals unless there are passengers who need to disembark at them.

At Terminal A, our passengers will be directed to our location at Bus Zone 17 via electronic signs. At Terminals B & C, passengers should look for our metal Trans-Bridge Lines signs, marking our location.

Notice: Trans-Bridge Lines does not offer service between Newark Airport and New York City. We also do not offer service to JFK or LaGuardia Airports.