Bethlehem, PA – Trans-Bridge Lines, the Lehigh Valley’s premier motorcoach service, has expanded its service once again! The company has been conducting surveys of its passengers, analyzing data on ridership, and proposing different schedule scenarios in order to best serve their customer’s needs, and offer vital transportation for the Lehigh Valley and surrounding areas. Beginning Monday, July 19, 2021, Trans-Bridge will include two new routes on its Allentown/Clinton/New York Schedule.
Run 109 eastbound to New York will operate Monday through Thursday, beginning at Wescosville Park and Ride at 7:25 a.m., with stops in Hellertown at 7:45 a.m., and at the Clinton Park and Ride in New Jersey at 8:15 a.m. The run arrives at Port Authority Bus Terminal at approximately 9:20 a.m. A second route, westbound Run 146 from New York, will operate Monday through Fridays, departing from Port Authority Bus Terminal at 7:00 p.m., with stops in Clinton, Hellertown Park and Ride, Lehigh Valley International Airport, and Wescosville Park and Ride. Schedules may be viewed at
“We have added these routes as a result of passenger feedback and trends in travel.” said Trans-Bridge Lines president Tom JeBran, “Our team continuously gauges information from all sources during this post-pandemic period. We need to do that in order for our executive management team to make sensible business decisions, and give residents of our service area the transportation they require.”
Trans-Bridge Lines maintains gates at Port Authority Bus Terminal. All routes, with the exception of the company’s Wall Street runs, drop-off at the location at 8th Avenue & 41st Street.
“Our passengers appreciate our use of the Port Authority as a location that is central, sheltered from the outside elements, and offers a place for them to grab a morning coffee, a meal, and all the other conveniences afforded there.” said Mark Ertel, Director of Operations.
Trans-Bridge Lines continues enforcing the federal mandate that face coverings must be worn while traveling aboard over-the-road buses. Their Commitment to Clean remains a priority as well, with the daily sanitizing of buses, optimization of airflow, and hydrostatically spraying motorcoaches with an antimicrobial solution.